Born on February 7, 1939 in Caden (Morbihan), Jean Fréoux is a professional worker priest in the metallurgy industry, a political, trade union and associative activist in various associations. He worked for more than 20 years as a facilitator of the Eau Vive association throughout France to animate, raise awareness and mobilize members and donors for solidarity with the African Sahel.
- Who are we ?
- Our Actions
- Commitment to Development and Solidarity
- Drinking water and sanitation in Ndiaganiao
- Drinking water Ganzourgou and Zoundweogo
- GIRE Cascades and Mouhoun
- Kèlè Tchinè 10 rural communes in Central West Burkina Faso
- Mission IEC Rosso bridge
- OR PROPRE in West Africa
- PASEP III in Burkina Faso's communes
- Young Professionals in Action Programme
- USAID Ndiyam E Ekkolaaji SENEGAL
- Wash Ganzourgou
- Testimonials
- Partners
- Mediatheque
- Contacts
- FR