After a six (06) month internship period at Eau Vive Senegal, I was particularly interested in the Young Committed Executive (JCE) program. The latter gives a new dynamic in the take...
Léopold Hubert TINE
Technical Assistant White Water SenegalWe were lucky to have a borehole less than 100 metres from our concession. But this drilling was subject to recurrent breakdowns. In addition, the quality of its water had deteriorated. Since...
Group picture
Beneficiary of a boreholeDrilling is very useful to us because we have drinking water that is available. Our animals drink directly from the watering hole. In addition, our water is of very high quality because we are able to...
Resident of the municipality of LELKOMMy vision of Burkina Faso is that we are a hard-working people who deserve to be supported. As a Burkinabe woman, I am obviously in solidarity with the women of our towns and villages. They are...
President of the association Eau Vive Burkina FasoThe JCE program is an ideal program for the professionalization of young graduates. Thanks to this program, I had practical experiences in the field. I work particularly in the Centre-Sud region as...
Water and Sanitation EngineerThe Young Committed Executives Program (JCE) is one of the best programs for enhancing the skills of young people. We are put in a real learning situation. Thank you to the Eau Vive Internationale federation for all the help ...